As soon as we arrived in Mackinac Island, Vicky found out about the opening of the Art Museum . This had been planned for years. The building was originally an Indian Dormitory. John and Duck, the
Chippewa Chief chatted during the ceremony

The new art museum at Mackinac Island.

We invited a few friends back to the boat after the opening ceremony .John and Cathy Flynn from Michigan and Noel Skiba, an artist who paints on the bridge at No Name Key , one of John's favorite spots in the Florida Keys.

Between Lake Huron and Lake Michigan is Machinac Straights. Best known for Machinac Island, a wealthy resort community dating back to the 1800's. The horse and buggy has been the mode of transportation and horseless carriages were banned in the early 1900's because they scared the horses.
Flowers were blooming at every turn.

The Island is completely void of motor traffic. Bicycles or horse and buggy.

Can't get too far from the water

Another view of the city

We stopped at
Dowd's grocery store for a few supplies and couldn't resist another photo.

The post office was closed for lunch when we stopped but the mail left by boat at 2 PM daily

Mackinac summer cottage. Most homes have no heat since the are not used from late September until May.

We a took a buggy ride to the Grand Hotel. The next day we got a taxi to dinner and realized we went about the same route in the horse and buggy taxi as the private tour.

These horses belong to a local family and are used for any travel around the island.

I wonder what he is saying

A view of the harbor from Fort Mackinac. The umbrellas are part of the patio restaurant.

Another view of the town shopping. Fudge, t-shirts and trinkets.

A horse stable in the center of town.

Flowers everywhere

What can BROWN do for you?

The Yacht club is directly across from the marina