Monday, July 12, 2010

July 8 July 11 Killarney to Sault St. Marie

We stayed at Sportsman's Inn next to Doug and Barb. It was nice to meet them again. Doug gave us more information about the next few days. Sorry to not have gotten their photo.
The marina rented water bikes.

We had our choice of several marinas in Killarney. We left early to see how far we could get in the great weather.Passed a fishing boat on our way to Little Current.

We met Rick and Sharon again but continued after a short stop in Little Current
John bought dinner at the Rib Shack while Vicky toured the gift shop. Dinner will be very good or very bad but at least memorable. We reluctantly left Little Current around 4 to make some time in smooth weather. Suddenly the Lake got angry and winds of 20 to 25 knots funnelling down the North Channel created waves 3 to 4 ft. Between the winds and the waves it was less than comfortable. We decided not to venture any further and found a great anchorage on the other side of Clapperton Island for the evening. The morning gave us calm waters to continue our 50 mile trip up the North Channel towards Sault St. Marie., the entrance to Lake Superior.
Thick fog followed our boat and gave a surreal feeling to the day. The 6 hour trip in the wide North Channel was lake glass a pleasant change from yesterday.
We decided to spend the night in Bruce Mines, the first copper mining town. Upon checking in the dock master told us of the Annual art show at the the street at the top of the marina. Vicky really enjoyed it and the artists were all excellent.
We returned to the boat and John started talking to Lloyd, who rowed over from across the bay. Next thing Vicky knew she was having a massage on the front deck of Kids Again.

Cutter rested on the back of the boat.

We took the commercial route to Sault St. Marie the next day and Vicky passed a freighter. Hope our wake was not too much.
Found more churches in the town

If you look closely, you can see our boat behind the fish and the bridge in the distance connects Sault St. Marie, Canada with Sault St. Marie Michigan. We will go through the lock tomorrow and spend some time in Lake Superior before starting South.


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